Los Angeles Computer Society


Speaker:  J. B. Burke, APCUG Speakers Bureau and President of the Prescott Computer Society, Arizona

Meeting Time: 7:00 to 9:00 PM — via Zoom
Socializing and Questions & Answers: 6:30 PM

The World Wide Web (“the Web”) is immense. Depending on where you look, there are, or were, more than a billion websites. But only 193,890,945 are currently active. One website estimates that Google had indexed 58 billion web pages by 2020. Some are interesting, informative, educational, entertaining, and even weird. J.B. looks for all of those. J.B. saves them whenever he finds a spare moment to create his “Touring the Web” programs. They include web pages, videos, images, and other tidbits that will, hopefully, keep you entertained for an hour or so. J.B.’s presentation changes every couple of months. We enjoyed his programs in November 2022 and May 2024. We will have our usual Q&A session. Since he teaches, he probably can answer many PC questions.

About the Speaker:

J.B. Burke graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology in 1963. He moved to Silicon Valley in 1968 and worked in the tech sector for 36 years. In 2004, he retired and moved to Prescott, Arizona. He joined the Prescott Computer Society and became its president and speaker. He provides tech support for friends and teaches tech classes for retirees. He is a Tech Committee member of the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Yavapai College.