Los Angeles Computer Society

TUESDAY, March 11, 2025

Topic: Automobile Software: Android Auto, Apple
Car Play, and Other Apps
Speaker: Bill James, APCUG Speakers Bureau
Member of the Computer Club of Oklahoma City Meeting Time: 7:00-9:00 PM – via Zoom

Bill will tell us how to use and operate our car’s software so that you can install your favorite entertainment, news, maps, and other software for the Android Auto and/or Apple CarPlay systems. Learn safe ways to call or an-swer the phone using the car’s built-in voice recognition system. Learn how to write and read a text safely. What is each button for? How do you connect or pair your smartphone to your car? Bill’s car has an infotainment system incorporating Apple Car Play and Android Auto.

Meet Our Presenter
Bill James has been an officer of the Com-puter Club of Oklahoma City and an APCUG Regional Advisor. He has been active in APCUG for a long time. He worked for the Federal Aviation Administration’s Logistics Center in Oklahoma City, OK for 38 years.