Exploring the Internet:
CA Property Tax & Assessor’s Website
Speaker: Carol Quan
Carol Quan will discuss using the Assessor’s and related L. A. County websites to handle your property taxes now and how to avoid future property tax increases when passing on real property to others. What is a change of ownership? When will it result in a reassessment of the property and higher (often much higher) property taxes? A series of initiatives since 1978’s Proposition 13 has expanded the people who can get a transfer of real property without paying a higher property tax. But a gift to your “significant other” or perhaps to a grandchild will probably lead to more property tax due.
Carol is a Special Assistant for Public Affairs for the Los Angeles Office of the Assessor.
Other Tax Websites
Speaker: Stephanie Nordlinger
In the last part of the meeting, Stephanie Nordlinger will speak briefly about doing research on the IRS’s website (IRS.gov), the Franchise Tax Board (FTB.CA.gov) and the L.A. City’s website (LACITY.org), as time permits. Every taxing agency has a website. State laws and local ordinances are on the web. But remember that Do-It-Yourself estate planning can lead to quite unpleasant results. Consult a professional – it will pay in the end.
Stephanie, our LACS vice president, is an Attorney at Law.