LACS IO Group Rules & Guidelines

LACS Members are subject to the following guidelines when submitting posts or participating in discussions on all LACS group lists. Be aware that only LACS members can send to, receive from, or read messages on any of our lists. Use this Guide for reference when unsure how to proceed with sending posts or comments. (i.e. To participate in the “LACSLIST” Group, simply send your e-mail to:

Note: To thwart spam bots the e-mail address above is displayed in a graphics file, hence it is not clickable.

1) SUBJECT LINE: When submitting an original or forwarded message, make sure the “Subject” line has topic information that is clear, short, and meaningful.
Rev A: 12-01-2008

2) IDENTIFY YOURSELF: Participants must clearly identify themselves in every message they send, either with their name in the “From/E-mail address” field or entered in the body of the note. Orig: 03-27-2008

3) “REPLY ALL” TO A QUESTION POST: When replying with the answer to a question, doing a “Reply All” to the mail list is often recommended since other LACS Members may learn something. This way, if a question has already been answered, it’s clear to all that no additional answers are needed, unless you feel you can add something of significance. Orig: 03-27-2008

4) “REPLY” TO A COMMENT POST: If you wish to reply to a post that was NOT a question, please reply privately directly to the original poster using the “Reply” button (not the “Reply All” button). IE: Saying “Thank You” to everyone on a list for help you have received just adds unnecessary traffic to the lists. Orig: 03-27-2008

5) “REPLY ALL” CRITERIA: Only submit a “Reply All” response to a non-question post if you feel your comments will be of interest and enlightening to the membership at large. If you wish to discuss or debate a topic with the poster, please contact him or her directly using “Reply”. Orig: 03-27-2008

6) STAY ON TOPIC: Subject matter in a topic thread should relate directly to the topic. If you have some thoughts unrelated to an ongoing topic and you think they will be of interest to LACS members, create a new post with a new Subject line.
Orig: 03-27-2008

7) CRYPTIC NOTES: When pasting links into a note, always include some personal comments and remarks. Include enough information to allow readers to decide if they are interested enough in the topic to go to the link and look for details. Cryptic Notes with “Links only” are not welcome. If you do not want to take the time to add your own thoughts to a post, consider not sending it at all. At the other extreme, do not include large amounts of cut & pasted text. Orig: 03-27-2008

8) BAD LINKS: Test all links which you include in your message. Make sure that they work without having to be logged on as a member of the target site. Receiving a note with bad links is annoying to members. New: 12-01-08

9) AVOID DUPLICATION: Please do not paste-in topics forwarded from NEWS/RSS type sites that members may be subscribed to on their own. This helps avoid duplication. When you find a topic of interest, express your thoughts about it in your own words, and recommend that the reader subscribe to that particular site if desired. Again, if you do not want to take the time to add your own thoughts to a post, consider not sending it at all. Orig: 03-27-2008

10) COMPLAINTS: Complaints or grievances about a LACS list user, should go directly to the original poster, with a copy to a LACS Officer and/or Director, and the Mail List Moderator.

Never submit angry or negative comments of any kind to the LACS Yahoo group lists. Orig: 03-27-2008

11) RETURN ADDRESS: Every message sent to an LACS Group List must have a valid “From” e-mail address that is accessible to all members, and is not blocked. Orig: 03-27-2008

Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in being”Moderated” or even a temporary suspension of LACS IO Group privileges.

Also, here is a link to the full Official Yahoo Groups guidelines:

Thank you,
The LACS IO Group Moderators

Rev A, 12-01-2008


– Orig: 03-27-2008

– Rev A: 12-01-2008 – Issue date has been added to each section.

Change #1: 1) SUBJECT LINE:

– Original: If submitting an original post, make sure the “Subject” line has topic information that is clear, short, and meaningful. Orig: 03-27-2008

– Rev A: When submitting an original or forwarded message, make sure the “Subject” line has topic information that is clear, short, and meaningful. Rev A: 12-01-2008

Change #2: 8) BAD LINKS

– Added: Test all links which you include in your message. Make sure that they work without having to be logged on as a member of the target site. Receiving a note with bad links is annoying to members. New: 12-01-08
