- Regular Adult Membership – $40/yr.
Electronic Newsletter only, i.e. no hard copy – $30/yr. - Associate – $12/yr.
Associate members are people who live in the same household or work for the same company as a regular member; they do not receive their own subscriptions to our newsletter, User Friendly, but may read it Here - Student Member – $18/yr.
Students must prove full-time status. - Contributing Member – $50/yr.
- Supporting Member – $75/yr.
- Benefactor – $100/yr.
Join Us
Become a member today! Membership Application:
Benefits of Membership
Newsletter: As a member of LACS, each month you are snail-mailed a hard copy our our newsletter, User Friendly, which keeps you in touch with what is going on in LACS. Each issue includes a calendar of events and many interesting articles, reviews, and Tips & Tricks all written by members of LACS and other PC User Group members around the world. Any member may submit articles or take advantage of free classified ads to buy or sell computer items. Archived copies are accessible from the sidebar under the User Friendly Issues heading.
Sharing Knowledge: As a member of LACS, you will be sent invitations to enroll in two e-mail lists, LACSLIST, for members to communicate with each other about computer related topics, and LACSPC for official LACS announcements. All LACS e-mail lists are hosted by Yahoo! Groups and are private, i.e. Members-Only. When you send an e-mail to one of our e-mail lists, it goes to all enrolled members. We have other e-mail lists, all Opt-In, for SIGs and sharing non-computer topics; for additional details, click here.
Getting Help: As a member of LACS, you have access to several sources of computer help & assistance:
- You can e-mail your questions to LACSLIST. When you send in a question, many people see it and there is almost always at least one person, if not many, with a ready answer.
- You can phone someone on our “Members Helping Members” contact list in User Friendly. Numerous members have agreed to try to answer members’ questions during specified hours on particular products or subjects. Keep in mind that they are volunteers. Most are not in the computer industry and they don’t know everything (neither do the tech support persons at most companies). Be polite, but use this resource and, when you can, help others by becoming a Quick Consultant on whatever subject(s) or program(s) you know best.
Recruiting Rewards: A member who signs up a new Regular or higher category of member gets a three-month extension of their own membership.